"Life as a Game Birulki".
Toys from Childhood Series
This installation alludes to the well-known game Birulki (Pick-up Sticks). It is assembled from multicolored felt scraps and white figurative objects chaotically scattered on the surface. The author associates this work with life, which can be overloaded with information, burying valuable memories underneath. The artist demonstrates this with the help of white objects, representing images of scattered, broken toys that are barely visible from under the pile of colored scraps.

Referring to the rules of the game, the author considers this installation as a work with memory. As in the game itself, in life a person must carefully, layer by layer, remove information, getting to the necessary memories.

The installation invites viewers to reflect on their own life and memories. It allows viewers to contact with installation and create their own meaning. The installation is a thought-provoking and visually appealing work of art that encourages viewers to explore their own memories and relationship with the past.
All Works
“Meal For Seven Billion Guests” Series
This series consists of felted fruit and vegetable compositions on a paper plate stand.
Capsule Of Memory
In this installation the artist borrows the easy recognizable image of a jar as a container for preserving fruit and vegetables.
Self Healing With Fruit
A soft sculpture “Self-healing with fruit” is represented as a torn rosary made from felt beads and fruits, and a separate piece which looks like either a bead or an apple.
Installation With Pomegranates
The installation consists of pomegranates in various shades of red, with only one rendered in detail and appearing realistic.
Life as a Game Birulki. ”Toys from Childhood” Series
This installation alludes to the well-known game Birulki (Pick-up Sticks).
“Unforgettable Gathering” Series
In this series, departing from her usual focus on fruits as a source of information, the author expresses her inner state through the form, volume, and color of the fruits